Friday, July 13, 2007

My Rant About Get Rich Quick Programs Online

I acquire electronic mails every single twenty-four hours and I'm on a batch of listings out there for respective different reasons, but I acquire a batch of electronic mails every single twenty-four hours telling me that if I'll just pass a hundred dollars on this, or a thousand dollars on this, that I'm magically gonna brand my money back ten-times complete adjacent month. That material doesn't work. You have got to construct from the underside up. You have got got to have your ain website. You have got got to have your ain squeeze-page. You have got got got to drive traffic to the squeeze-page, you have to have your ain emails, and yes, that makes take time.

And yes, it makes take money. You are going to have got to pay for web-hosting. There's no such as thing as a free drive online.

You've got to have got got got a merchandise to sell, whether that's an affiliate merchandise like I started out with the first couple of months, where you do your ain product--you have to sell something to do money.

Money doesn't come up on trees and it doesn't just fall off the Internet--you have to sell something in order to make money. There's no other manner to do money online except to sell something, or some cozenage or something like that that cipher should ever be involved in. I desire to be very clear there. The lone manner you can do legitimate money online--you have got got to have a product. Whether it's yours or an affiliate product: you have got got to have a product. You necessitate a list, you don't have got got got to have a list, but you'll make ten-times more than money if you make have a listing because you can leverage your traffic. And you have got got to have somewhere to travel for people to pass their money, and that's wherefore you necessitate a website.

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