Thursday, May 3, 2007

The problem with procrastination...

The problem with procrastination is that a good procrastinator doesn't just waste time... she finds other things to occupy that time. So the time that I should be spending right now doing reading or finishing up that pesky masters thesis is being spent playing with my latest toy: aka, this blog. In truth, I never thought I'd be a "blogger"... I mean, who really wants to read about my life anyways? Not to say that my life is completely boring... I'm on exchange in Spain, I'm at a pretty critical point in my academic career... (more on that later) and that's just me personally. Someone asked my mom if anyone actually lives in our house right now... that was right before she, my sister and my grandmother went on vacation to Bermuda, I was on my way back to Spain after a month home for Christmas time and my dad had left the week before to go back to Saudi Arabia where he has been working on and off for the last 8 months or so. So I guess my life is kind of exciting! It's been weird living in Spain... don't get me wrong, I love it, most of the time, but there's times (if anyone else has ever lived here, you'll know what I mean when I talk about the red tape and paperwork...) when it's frustrating, and there are times when I'm homesick... but it's been a great experience all the same and I wouldn't change this year for anything. I mean, who can complain when the picture I've posted here is the park behind their house?!

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